Week 5 | Day 5 | Humbly Serve Others


Beware of Pride. Matthew 6:1


For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28 (NLT)


I was raised in a Catholic household and regularly attended Sunday mass with my family. There's a particular memory from my childhood that stands out vividly: a sermon centered on John 13, where Jesus humbly washed the feet of his disciples.

During a reenactment of this powerful moment from John 13, my grandpa took on the role of washing the feet of 12 different men in our congregation. I was truly taken aback. My grandpa, whom I had always revered as the leader of our family and a prominent figure in our community, demonstrated an unexpected act of humility in his old age as he bent down to wash and dry the feet of those 12 men. This moment left an unforgettable impression on me.

As an adult, I now appreciate the profound connection between Jesus' endless love for us and his lifelong commitment to serving others humbly. Jesus consistently exemplified humble service to those around him. Today, he extends the same invitation to us, encouraging us to humbly serve others with love and care, to place the needs of others above our own.


What are some ways that Jesus is challenging you to step forward and humbly serve those around you?


Heavenly Father, we come before you with grateful hearts, inspired by the boundless love and humble service of your Son, Jesus. May we follow His example in our daily lives, serving others with genuine love and care, and placing their needs ahead of our own. In doing so, may we draw closer to your presence. Amen.