Week 1 | Day 1 | Supernatural Compassion


Go and do likewise. Luke 10:25-37


Since you are all set apart by God, made holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with a holy way of life: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12 (Voice)


As a single mom of three children, money was often tight but I tried not to share my financial situation with those around me. One day I was surprised to receive a phone call from an Eastlake Church staff member, who wanted to offer me a twin bed with a fairly new mattress. I wasn’t even aware that I needed a bed!

When I offered the bed to my teenage son, his eyes lit up. He told me his back was hurting from sleeping on the bed that he had slept on since he was in kindergarten. He knew that buying a new bed wasn’t in my budget, so he hadn’t mentioned it to me.

Instantly, I knew that the Holy Spirit had been at work. I was thankful to the staff member had been clothed with compassion, had listened to the Holy Spirit and acted upon the Lord’s leading. I felt seen and loved, not only by her, but especially by the Lord.

When I ask the Holy Spirit to clothe me with compassion as I serve others, he supernaturally opens my eyes to needs I may not be aware of. Not every single parent needs a twin bed; not every person battling an illness needs meals; not every grieving family needs flowers. When I ask the Holy Spirit to lead me, he shows me the best way to compassionately bless others.


Keep your eyes open to the people around you. Ask the Lord to reveal needs so that you might walk in the way of compassion and love.


Lord Jesus, you are our ultimate example of compassion. Thank you for the many ways you have showered me with love. Please open my eyes to the needs of others in our church and our community. Lead me to be a reflection of you as I bless others in compassionate ways.