Week 5 | Day 3 | The Most Significant Way To Serve


Beware of Pride. Matthew 6:1


Jesus knew that the Father had put him in complete charge of everything, that he came from God and was on his way back to God. So he got up from the supper table, set aside his robe, and put on an apron. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples, drying them with his apron. John 13:3-5 (MSG)


At the 5-week High School Christian Leadership Camp I attended, it was time to assign camp jobs. Each of us hoped for one of the coveted roles within the camp.

As the Director stood before us to announce our assignments, he began with a question, “What do you believe is the most significant job you might be assigned this week?” Eagerly, we listed the positions we each coveted. However, we were taken aback when he declared, “The most significant job in this camp is cleaning bathrooms.” He elaborated on how this seemingly menial task greatly influenced the experiences of those coming to the camp to hear the Word of God.

Though my camp experience was nearly 50 years ago, its lessons still resonate when I think of service.

Imagine the disciples walking on dusty desert roads all day in sandals. The dirt and grime on their feet must have been immense! Foot washing was customary in Biblical times, but it was typically a servant's job. Much like cleaning camp bathrooms, it was neither glamorous nor desired.

In the Pulpit Commentary on BibleHub.com, I came across this thought-provoking statement: "Among men, the slave washes his master, but with God, it is not so." (Westcott) Jesus washing the disciples' feet symbolizes God’s way of cleansing us from our sins. He takes our most reprehensible actions, forgives us, purifies us, and offers redemption.

At times, I find joy in the service I render. Yet, there are instances when serving feels challenging and discomforting. I must remain receptive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, even when the task at hand isn't my preference. Jesus demonstrated that true service is characterized by humility.


In gratitude for the Lord’s grace and mercy, how can I not serve Him? When I serve with humility and openness, Jesus magnifies my efforts in unimaginable ways.


Lord, forgive me when I prioritize my comfort over serving. You have showered me with grace, love, and compassion, even in my failures. Renew my vision, allowing me to discern opportunities to humbly serve others as You direct my path.