Week 5 | Day 2 | Our Call to Humble Service


Beware of Pride. Matthew 6:1


Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. Philippians 2:6-7 


In the quiet moments of our lives, when we let the world's noise fade, we can see the profound mystery of humility embodied in Christ. Jesus, the very nature of God, chose not to boast of His divine status. Instead, He humbled Himself, taking on human form, and served us, even unto death.

In 2009, I got a glimpse into the essence of this humility. I donated bone marrow to a stranger diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. I was chosen because our DNA perfectly matched – a profound reminder of how intricately God knows and connects each one of us. For five days, I received injections to stimulate my stem cells to be collected on the last day, expecting nothing in return. This man, whom I had never met and sadly never will, needed something I could offer. It wasn't about accolades or recognition, but simply about loving..

It's a call that challenges me every day. To keep my heart open, praying for God to highlight opportunities to serve, even amidst the rush of daily life. It's a challenge to shift our focus away from our needs and onto the needs of others. To stop waiting for the spotlight and instead shine it on someone else. To value and respect the time and talents of others as we would our own. 

Jesus' humility is not just a story from two millennia ago. It's a living, breathing call to action, urging us to humbly serve God and our neighbors.


Today, take a moment to reflect on how you can show Christ-like humility in your daily life. Whether it's by actively seeking opportunities to serve, appreciating others more, or simply giving your time and talent without expecting anything in return.


Lord Jesus, thank You for Your profound example of humility. Teach us to serve as You did. Open our eyes to the opportunities around us, and give us the courage to act. Amen.