Week 5 | Day 1 | Always Be Humble and Kind


Beware of Pride. Matthew 6:1


That is what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not be served—and then to give away his life in exchange for the many who are held hostage. Matthew 20:28 Msg 


I serve in the Fostering Love Community Closet at EastLake Church. Our mission is to support at-risk families in our community, offering love and encouragement, as well as providing them with new and gently used children's clothing to help stretch their family budget.

Our clients connect with us through their relationships with the dedicated case workers from the YMCA Kinship program and Child Welfare Services. Others come to us through spontaneous relationships and friendships within our church family and community. These families grapple with challenges stemming from various reasons: the loss or incarceration of a family member, financial strains from a difficult divorce, or a child transitioning to a safe home due to abuse or neglect. Yet, more than clothing, the predominant need we encounter is the longing for understanding, kindness, and compassion.

When we greet the individuals we serve, our first words are, "Welcome to our family! This is a place where we can give, receive, serve, and share. Please accept what we offer today, and in the future, consider sharing with someone else."

In a society that prizes self-reliance, self-sufficiency, and independence, it demands profound humility to ask for help. Many opt to mask their vulnerabilities. However, the reality remains that everyone craves love, support, encouragement, assistance, and connection. There are instances when we're in a position to give, and others when all we can do is gratefully receive. This oscillation between giving and receiving defines the human experience.

Jesus, in His humanity, lived amidst us, feeling our emotions and discerning our needs. He ministered to individuals and vast crowds alike, catering to both physical and spiritual needs. He humbled Himself, even to the point of death on the cross. And when we humble ourselves to recognize our need for His love and assistance, we are reborn into God's family—a haven where we hold value and belong, where we can both give and receive.

When was the last time you sought help? In which facet of your life do you presently seek assistance? Do you possess the courage to approach someone you trust, sharing your vulnerabilities?


Reflect upon the last occasion you reached out for help. In which area of your life do you currently feel the need for support? Can you summon the bravery to open up about your vulnerabilities to someone trustworthy?


Jesus, we're grateful for Your humility, for Your decision to experience human life with its spectrum of emotions and challenges. You recognize each of our needs today. Please guide us in acknowledging our own necessities and in being receptive to the needs surrounding us.