Week 2 | Day 5 | The Only Truth


Beware of false prophets. Matthew 7:15


Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalms 25:4-6 (NIV)


When a friend betrayed me, I wanted to yell the truth from the rooftops in order to “set the record straight.” As close friends and family commiserated with me, I initially felt vindicated. They not only agreed with how painful the situation was for me but also how hateful the other person was.

When I lingered in the darkness of the betrayal, the way of the world told me that talking about the situation would help me to feel better, but it only seemed to increase my pain and distance me from the Lord.

Eventually, I realized that the only truth I actually needed to focus on was Jesus’ truth. I didn’t need to “set the record straight.” The Lord’s truth is that I needed only to seek him. Jesus tells us the most important commandments are to love God and love others. He tells us to forgive as we have been forgiven. I had been so concerned with getting vindication that I had taken my eyes off the truth of God. 

The Lord’s truth includes loving and forgiving others even when the world thinks we should do otherwise. God knows our pain. He is absolutely in love with each of us and only he can heal our broken hearts. He extends us mercy and forgiveness and helps us to do the same for others. That is the only truth - God’s truth.


Seek to know the truth of God. Read His word, seek His presence, and pray. 


Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Ps. 25:4-6 (NIV)