Week 3 | Day 1 | He is Enough


Beware of Coveting/Greed - Luke 12:15


“Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.” Ecclesiastes 5:10 NIV


My 6-year-old never seems to have enough. Despite his young age, he's keenly aware that there's always something newer, bigger, and better out there. Whether it's the apps on his iPad or the action figures in his closet, he always craves just a bit more. 

Sound familiar?

In this era of meticulously curated Pinterest and Instagram posts, it's challenging not to juxtapose the world's "haves" with our own "have nots." Marketers capitalize on this feeling of inadequacy, trying to incite our discontent by advocating for the superior value of their products and suggesting we deserve MORE. Yet, the Bible counsels us to find contentment in any situation. Realistically, we can't predicate our happiness on ever-changing circumstances. Instead, we should trust in God's unwavering power and strength, regardless of our current situation. By doing so, we liberate ourselves from the perpetual longing for more and find solace in the unique peace only God offers.


Where are you currently dissatisfied in your life? Pray that God meets you there so that you may feel the joy of contentment.


God, you are enough. Help me to be satisfied with all that you’ve blessed me with. Amen.