Week 2 | Day 4 | One True God


Beware of false prophets. Matthew 7:15


Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6


Life can be challenging, rewarding, confusing, fruitful, and frustrating. I can find myself wallowing in self-pity and doubt when I have an especially hard day. But what brings me out of the funk is the knowledge that Jesus is all I need. I imagine Jesus walking next to me or sitting beside me through the darkness. I know that I am not alone.  

My personal relationship has led me to a place where I believe God is the true God, even though I cannot see him or touch him. The verses that I read in the Bible convince me that there can only be one God who created the universe. I hear this truth in worship songs, discussions in growth groups, and sermons.  

Being a believer requires investigation and seeking out trusted leaders. If I am not sure about something that I have heard, I reach for my Bible to find the truth. The Holy Spirit gives me the discernment to deny and ignore false gods or false teachings. Discernment helps me figure out what is right and true. As a Christian, our calling is to help others find and follow Jesus.


Life is not easy. There are many confusing messages about God. Be careful and be aware. Listen to the feeling in your gut that tells you something doesn’t seem right about this person or that situation. The Holy Spirit is God’s gift to us to use and identify Him as the one true God.


Jesus, you are the way, the truth, and the life. I want to keep your ways in my heart and head. I want to be clear about what is true. I know you are the one true God.