Week 1 | Day 2 | List-less


Beware of the Pharisees - Don't do what the Pharisees do - Matthew 23:1-4; Matthew 6:1


It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 (NIV)

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. Galatians 5:13 (NIV)


Next week our eldest daughter and her family will be visiting us from out-of-state. We’re planning a big family gathering. I’ve already started lists for things to get done before they arrive. When I check off each item, I feel satisfied with what I’ve accomplished.

As a list-maker, it’s easy for me to make a mental list of the things I need to do to be a “good” follower of Jesus. Read my Bible. Check. Pray. Check. Serve. Check. The list is endless and I can easily become a slave to it. It’s also easy for me to feel guilty when items on my list aren’t checked. God wants so much more for me.

Jesus sacrificed that I might live a life of freedom. His way is not a set of rules or a moral checklist. In “Life Lessons From Galatians: Free In Christ,” Max Lucado writes, “Oh, you’ve done some nice things in your life. But you do not have enough good works to go to heaven regardless of your sacrifice. No matter how noble your gifts, they are not enough to get you into heaven… apart from Christ you aren’t holy. So how can you go to heaven? Only believe. Accept the work already done, the work of Jesus on the cross.”

When we make our faith centered on a list of rules, we disregard the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. We become much like the rule-following Pharisees. Instead, Christ calls us to believe, accept his grace, and focus on living a life of love; free from any checklists. We cannot earn his love. The Lord loves us already. He extends grace to us and provides the Holy Spirit to guide us. This is the way of freedom!


Are you trying to earn the love of God through what you do? You are already loved by him more than you can comprehend. Accept his love and grace, knowing that he has already paid the price for your freedom. We are free indeed!


Forgive me, Jesus, when I make my life about a set of rules instead of living in the grace and freedom you want for me. Help me instead to live a life of love as I serve you and serve others.