Week 1 | Day 1 | Freedom to Serve


Beware of the Pharisees - Don’t do what the Pharisees do. - Matthew 23:1-4


You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. Galatians 5:13


When I recall the freedom I felt right after graduating college, it was like the world had opened up before me, brimming with possibilities. Without the constraints of school and work, time was abundant. Yet, as with many blessings, the true challenge was discerning how to use it wisely.

Initially, I squandered this gift. The allure of relaxation, epitomized by binge-watching Netflix, often triumphed over productivity. Yet as the hours rolled by, I couldn't shake off a nagging sensation that I wasn't using my newfound freedom in a way that honored its value or my purpose.

Galatians 5:13 serves as a profound reminder of this very tension. Paul speaks of the freedom we receive as believers, a freedom that can easily be misused. While we might not be indulging in the desires of the flesh in an overt manner, passivity and a lack of purpose can sometimes be its own form of indulgence.

But in my journey, I've also witnessed the beauty of what it means to "serve one another humbly in love". Simple breakfast meet-ups became avenues where I could actively listen to friends, offering my time and attention as a means to support and pray for them.

The embodiment of this spirit of service is seen profoundly in my stepdad. In his retirement, when he could have chosen a life of leisure, he instead dedicates his time to repairing broken bikes. These bikes, lovingly restored, find their way to children in Mexico. Through his hands, they aren't just given a mode of transport, but a taste of Christ's love. Such selfless giving exemplifies what Paul meant when he encouraged us to use our freedom to serve in love.


  • Value of Time: Reflect on how you're spending your free time. Are there areas you could redirect towards service or personal growth?

  • Active Listening: The next time you’re with a friend or a loved one, truly listen. Seek ways to support, encourage, and pray for them.

  • Seek Opportunities: Like my step dad with his bikes, there might be unique ways you can serve. What talents or resources can you offer to bless others?


Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of freedom. Help me to remember that with this freedom comes responsibility. Guide me to use my time, resources, and talents to serve others, reflecting your love in all I do. Let my actions honor you and uplift those around me. Amen.