Week 1 | Day 3 | Truth, Freedom, and Living Genuine Faith


Beware of the Pharisees - Don’t do what the Pharisees do. - Matthew 23:1-4


To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:31-32 (NIV)


Life has an uncanny way of chaining us to our past. For much of my life, I found myself tethered to guilt. Memories of past missteps, like relentless shadows, would often cloud my days. But in the midst of this storm, a profound truth shone brightly: I am forgiven and loved by God. Truly understanding this simple yet profound truth was like being handed a key to liberation.

However, understanding God's love and forgiveness doesn't mean we won't encounter contradictions. It's disheartening to see signs of judgment from those professing to follow Christ. Rather than being beacons of God's love, these signs often serve as barriers. As believers, we should question whether our actions bring people closer to Christ or push them further away.

One of the most profound moments that deepened my faith was starting a family. It amplified my understanding of God's love and grace. Just as I unconditionally love my family, God's love for us is boundless and forgiving.

Engaging with the faith community, studying his word, and surrounding myself with fellow believers help in nurturing and affirming my faith. They act as constant reminders of Jesus's teachings, emphasizing the importance of understanding the truth and the freedom that comes with it.


  • Embrace the Truth: Reflect on personal truths that you might be resisting. Accepting these truths, especially the ones centered around God's love and forgiveness, can lead to personal liberation.

  • Guard Against Hypocrisy: Ensure that your actions and words reflect Christ's love and teachings. Avoid becoming a stumbling block for others on their faith journey.

  • Nurture Your Faith: Continuously engage with God's word and the faith community. They act as anchors, grounding us in the teachings of Jesus.


Heavenly Father, thank you for the truth of your love and forgiveness. Help me to walk in the freedom you offer, always reflecting your love in my actions and words. Keep me grounded in your teachings, and may I always be a beacon of your grace and truth to others. Amen.