Week 5 | Day 2 | The Power of Keeping Your Word


Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made. Matthew 5:33 (NIV)


Moses said to the heads of the tribes of Israel: “This is what the Lord commands:2 When a man makes a vow to the Lord or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said” Numbers 30:1-2 (NIV)


The idea of keeping one's word appears to have less meaning in a world where pledges can be readily forgotten or disregarded. However, God's instruction to the Israelites through Moses in Numbers 30:1-2 emphasizes the significance of the things we say. By taking an oath or making a commitment, we pledge ourselves to keep our word.

I consider instances in which I made promises—whether to God or to others—and how keeping them has molded my character. It's not always simple to keep our promises; sometimes it takes sacrifice, tenacity, and a dedication to morality. I've learned that keeping my word indicates my dependability as well as my esteem for other people and respect for God's instructions.

This rule applies to all kinds of interactions, not only formal oaths or contracts. Our words carry weight, whether they be promises to see a friend, do a chore, or help someone in need. We establish trust and demonstrate our respect for the parties involved when we follow through.

When keeping our obligations becomes difficult or inconvenient, a challenge often occurs. These are the times when our character is put to the test. Will we put our comfort first or keep our word no matter what? While there may be good reasons to change our plans, integrity requires us to be open with one another and to apologize when we don't live up to expectations.


Before making a commitment, how can I make sure that it is in line with my abilities and priorities? How can I explain clearly when I have trouble maintaining my word and, if required, make amends? How do I make sure that I always operate with honesty and transparency in my interactions?


Lord, please enable me to honor the promises I make and keep them, whether they are to you or to others. Please give me the discernment to consider my promises before making them and the humility to share my concerns honestly when they occur. May my deeds be an expression of my awe and respect for you and those around me. I ask in the name of Jesus, amen.