Week 5 | Day 1 | An Honest Mother


Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made. Matthew 5:33 (NIV)


May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, Lord, is in you. Psalm 25:21 (NIV)


The Cambridge Dictionary definition of integrity is “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change.” As I reflect on people that I know that display integrity, I think right away of my mother.

She is a rule follower. She keeps a list of items that are allowed in her recycling bin. She tapes the tops of her batteries correctly, before she turns them in for recycling. When it’s time to buy birthday gifts for her family, she makes sure to spend the same amount on everyone, so there is no favoritism. Her concern is for others and how her actions will affect them. She refuses to change her strict, rule following ways and I just realized that she is displaying integrity and commitment. 

Her integrity goes beyond following basic rules. She has never been one to gossip. In fact, I don’t find out important things from her, because it just is not in her nature to talk about others. A little frustrating at times, but now I get it. When there is dissension in our family, my mom is always the peacemaker. Advising her family to take the high road, forgive, and carry on for the wellbeing of our family. She doesn’t suggest that we allow ourselves to be doormats. Instead, our forgiveness brings peace to our own hearts and encourages family relationships to continue with some modification.  

Integrity requires being vigilant about our daily decisions, until our actions and behavior become automatic. It has taken my mom 84 years of practice to live and breathe integrity. Her example is important for her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren to watch and follow. It will be her legacy!


Are there people in your life that frustrate you with their need to follow all the rules, all the time? Maybe it’s time to look at their behavior differently. Are you witnessing the quality that God admires? Integrity is hard to accomplish, all the time. Think of those rule followers as your examples for living an upright life in God’s eyes.


I want to be the best I can be in your sight. I desire to do the right thing, even when it is hard. Please give me your strength to be a person of integrity.