Week 5 | Day 3 | Ouch!


Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made. Matthew 5:33 (NIV)


Many a man proclaims his own loyalty and goodness, but who can find a faithful and trustworthy man? Proverbs 20:6 (AMP)


I like to think of myself as a person of integrity. I strive to live out my faith. But recently the Holy Spirit reminded me that I am a work in progress.

Last week, I arrived 30 minutes before my Grandson’s school let out so I could find a parking spot. Even so, every space was taken. I pulled to the side to wait for the next available spot. As I waited, I read a devotional from Ecclesiastes 9:20 that stated “Don’t revile people ‘even in your thoughts’ or curse them ‘in your bedroom, because a bird of the air may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say.” 

Right after I put down my phone, a car pulled in front of me and took a parking spot that was just clearing. I was irritated. How rude and self-centered, was my first thought. Eventually I calmed down and listened to the Holy Spirit, who had been trying to get my attention. I remembered, “Don’t revile people ‘even in your thoughts.” The Lord had given me exactly what I needed to act on, but in my own self-centeredness, I had been compelled to point out another person’s selfishness. 

The irritated person I was that day was not who God calls me to be nor who I want to be. Not only am I embarrassed at my lack of integrity but also was convicted of my self-centeredness. I asked for forgiveness both for my words but also for ignoring the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The way of integrity is that my actions reflect my faith. I’m thankful that the Lord opened my eyes to my lack of integrity and that he is merciful and faithful to forgive me.


Ask the Lord to open your eyes to areas where you lack integrity. Then, ask for forgiveness and strength that you might walk in the ways of Jesus.


Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24 (NIV)