Day 4 | Deeply Loved


“I will be found by you” Jeremiah 29:14 (NIV)


“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalms‬ 139‬:13‬ (NIV‬‬)‬‬‬‬‬‬


Some days bring new challenges and during those days it’s easy to feel unseen, unappreciated, unheard and unloved. This month I experienced all of the above after someone at work said some unprofessional and unkind things to me. Although this incident made me angry, rather than reacting to their improper behavior I reached out to our human resources team to help me navigate the situation. After sharing with them they assured me the behavior would not be tolerated and they proceeded by doing an investigation on the person. Although the situation made me uncomfortable on many levels, being supported by our human resources team made me feel loved, seen, and protected by God. 

The God who created me in my mother’s womb, is the God who loves, sees, and knows every detail in my life. Whether I recognize it or not, God is always present, and his love is bigger than any circumstance.


Take a few minutes to sit quietly with God. Allow yourself to be embraced by the one who loves, sees and knows you with compassion and delight.


Father God, thank you that even if what I see in front of me doesn’t feel good or look good, your plans are good. Thank you for the hope I can find in you. May I continue to trust and lean into you.