Week 2 | Day 3 | Don’t Bake The Cupcakes


Be a servant. Matthew 20:26 (NIV)


After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” John 13:5-8 (NIV)


Serving others is not only in how I show love, but also what feeds my soul. I easily understand the lesson Jesus demonstrates as he washes the disciples’ feet. However, the lesson provided by Jesus’ interaction with Peter has been a more difficult lesson for me to put into practice.

In 2001, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. When I attended my Eastlake Church Growth Group shortly after my diagnosis, a woman said to me, “This is your year to heal. Don’t bake the cupcakes for your kids’ school events. Take the time and allow others to help you.” Little did I know how valuable that advice would be to me as a single mother of three children.

Serving others came easily, while being served was more difficult. However, when I allowed others to help me through my journey, they often shared how blessed they felt to serve me. I later realized that when I did not allow others to act upon the Holy Spirit’s call to serve, I was much like Peter refusing to have his feet washed.

I recently read, “Sometimes we show a servant’s heart by accepting the service of others for us. If we only serve, and refuse to be served, it can be a sign of deeply rooted and well-hidden pride. Man’s humility does not begin with the giving of service; it begins with the readiness to receive it. For there can be much pride and condescension in our giving of service.” 

There are seasons and times that we need to allow others to serve us as part of God’s design. When we do not allow this, we are limiting God’s love and care for both ourselves and the one serving. The way of service is to allow the Holy Spirit to speak and lead us both in love.


When have you allowed others to serve you? The next time you serve, think about how it blesses you and realize that allowing others to serve you is a blessing to them also. 


Father God, how amazing you are to design us for interconnectedness through serving. Open my eyes to both how I can serve and help me to allow others to serve me according to your design.