Week 2 | Day 2 | Creating a Chain of Service


Be a Servant. Matthew 20:25-28 (NIV)


Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. Acts 20:28 (NIV)


When reading Acts 20:28, the first thing that comes to mind is the way my dad loves to serve others. My dad embodies service in everything that he does and in the way he carries himself towards others. He’s always available. Always willing to step in to help. Always ready to take someone under his wing, to share wisdom, and to lend a listening ear. 

When he’s hosting a gathering, he ensures everyone is greeted warmly, has a refreshment in their hand, and is seated with other people they feel comfortable with. On top of that, my dad deeply cares about the details, and I think part of it is that he simply cares about the people in his circle. 

So many times, my mom and I have felt the frustration of others taking advantage of my dad’s kindness. But he’s adamant about extending love, grace, and compassion to the people around him. Regardless, I’ve always admired the way my dad serves others and have always aspired to do the same for the people in my circle.


Who’s in your circle that God is inviting you to shepherd? What are some ways that you can serve the people in your circle? 


Lord Jesus, help us to take care of others like shepherds and watch over them. Give us the wisdom to guide and protect with love and compassion. Teach us to be humble and serve selflessly, and to speak your truth boldly. Let our actions show your grace and mercy, so others can experience your love through us. In Jesus' name, amen.