Day 3 | What’s In A Name?


Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1(NIV)


Before I was born the Lord called me; from my mother’s womb he has spoken my name. Isaiah 49:1b (NIV) 


My legal name consists of five names - my Catholic name, middle name, mother’s maiden name, father’s last name and my married name. Whew! As you can imagine, filling out legal documents can be a nightmare at times. Owing to my Catholic heritage, my mom christened me Mary Anne; Mary in honor of Jesus’ mother, and Anne in honor of Mary’s mother. My dad, on the other hand, named me after a famous English novelist and playwright. Each of the elements of my name has significant meaning in that they bear my parents’ hopes and aspirations for what I would one day become. My identity is shaped by their desires for a bright future. 

Both my parents grew up Catholic and desired to pass on that faith tradition, hence, they named me after saints. My middle name, which is the one I use to identify myself with, hints of my parents’ optimism for raising a well-educated daughter. There is no doubt that they wanted me to live up to those dreams inscribed in my name. Unfortunately, I didn’t always comply. 

I was a rebellious teenager and young adult - definitely not vying for sainthood. In fact, I totally strayed away from my inherited faith for two decades. Neither was I interested in higher education. I dropped out of college after my first semester. In those moments of failure, in my parents’ anger and disappointment, labels too hurtful to name were thrown at me. In those moments, I couldn’t help but feel like I was being measured by what I did or did not do, and not simply for who I am apart from accomplishments. It has taken a lot of therapy and digging into God’s word to undo the damage. 

As I reflect on what scripture says about me, I have come to know who I am - precious in his sight, worth more than silver and gold. I am the apple of his eye. Before I was even born, he’d already known the details of my life - including my seasons of waywardness and disobedience. And yet my rebelliousness has never deterred God from continuing to draw me back into the life he desires for me. Even in my stubborn disobedience, he tenderly woos me back. There is nothing I can do to make God love me more or any less. 


How would your view of yourself change if you knew you were loved by God just as you are? Would you be drawn more closely to him knowing that? 


God, thank you for seeing me as I am, and still loving me where I am at.