Day 2 | I’m Adopted


Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1(NIV)


For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— Ephesians 1:4-5


I grew up in a chaotic home. I am the youngest of three children from my mother. My father had ten children, most I have never met. I was only two years old when my parents divorced and I’ve rarely seen my father since. During my young years, I struggled with the trauma of not having a relationship with my father, not feeling loved and accepted. I started to then be a “people pleaser”, overextending myself to make people like me, to accept me… to stay around.

My mother remarried to an Army officer when I was four. At 12 years old, my stepfather adopted my sister, brother, and me. I remember the process vividly… My mom hired an investigator to search for my biological father so he could sign his parental rights. He could not be found. The next step, my siblings and I were interviewed by the court. They wanted to know if we really wanted to be adopted, to “belong” to our stepdad. Did he treat us right? Did we love him? With all my heart, I wanted to be adopted by him. The next step we went to our district court and in front of a judge, our family became legally one. My last name changed that day. On the outside, nothing changed, but on the inside… I was.

When I accepted Jesus into my heart, outwardly not much changed, but inside… everything. I am a Child of God, bought and paid for, made whole through Him.


Know who your Father is. He is the creator of the World, the champion, the great redeemer. And you are HIS child! 


Heavenly Father, my Father. Help me to remember that I’m your child. Help me to lean into my identity in You everyday. Thank you. Amen.