Week 7 | Day 4 | Praise In The Darkest Night


Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration. John 4:24 (MSG)


Praise the Eternal! Praise the True God inside His temple. Praise Him beneath massive skies, under moonlit stars and rising sun. Praise Him for His powerful acts, redeeming His people. Praise Him for His greatness that surpasses our time and understanding. Ps 150:1-2 (Voice)


In my pajamas, I headed outside about midnight. I had my phone in one hand, flashlight in the other. My Epiphyllum had bloomed and I didn’t want to miss seeing it. Epiphyllum or “Orchid Cactus” produce large flowers (about the size of my hand) that bloom after dark and then wilt when the sun comes up.

I was not disappointed. The fully bloomed flower reminded me of an exploding firework of white light. The beauty was undeniable. How crazy is it that God designed a gorgeous flower that blooms only in the dark of night? 

I was reminded of the many times that I have walked dark roads knowing that the Lord was walking with me. His faithful presence brings beauty where there is darkness. God is amazing. That night as I shone the flashlight and took the photos, I praised God. I worshiped him calling him Creator of Beauty, Light of the World, my Way-maker. I thought of all the beauty God brought into my life and the many times I was aware of his supernatural presence. My heart was full.

Whether we gather together with songs of praise or thank him when we are alone in the dark gazing at a beautiful flower, God hears and sees us. This is the way of worship: When we take our eyes off our needs and look at him in adoration and praise, our hearts are filled.


Where has God revealed himself in your life? Thank him for the times he has made his presence known to you. Praise him for who he is.


Father God, when I hear the rhythm of the ocean tide or see the moon and the stars in the dark of night, I am in awe of your creation. When I think about how you have woven my life and walked with me, your love astounds me. There is no match for you, Lord.