Week 7 | Day 3 | Acknowledging God's Sovereignty and Glory


Worship in the Spirit and in truth. John 4:24 (NIV)


"For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen." 6:13b (NKJV)
"The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works." Psalm 145:13b (NKJV)


Jesus calls our attention to the kingdom, power, and glory that are God’s in the final section of the Lord’s Prayer. When we say, “For Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever,” we are expressing our belief in God’s majesty and sovereignty. We recognize that he alone is the source of all power, dominance, and glory.

This passage confirms the assertion made in Psalm 145:13b that the Lord is gracious and faithful in all his deeds. God’s kingdom, power, and glory are built on his faithfulness and benevolence. His empire encompasses all creation and time, extending far beyond the confines of the world. He can do the impossible thanks to his unequaled, limitless power. And the splendor of his glory shines, revealing the majesty of who he is.

Our hearts get in tune with God’s everlasting intentions when we acknowledge and announce his kingdom, power, and glory. We change our attention from furthering our personal goals and accomplishments to expanding his name and his earthly kingdom. We invite him to govern and reign in every area of our life by recognizing his sovereignty and submitting to his perfect plan.


How can we allow God’s sovereignty to guide our viewpoints and deeds while living each day in the consciousness of his kingdom, power, and glory? How does seeing God’s goodness and faithfulness in all of his words and deeds encourage us to put our confidence in him and follow his commands? How may our words, deeds, and attitudes actively contribute to advancing God's kingdom and giving him glory?


O Lord, your kingdom, power, and glory are everlasting. I bow down in front of your presence. Thank you for your faithfulness and kindness in all your words and deeds. Help me to submit my life to your divine authority and to always recognize your sovereignty. I pray that everything I think, say, and do will honor you and progress your kingdom on earth. I declare that the kingdom, the power, and the glory are all yours eternally. Amen.