Week 7 | Day 1 | Worship Your Way Out


God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in the truth. John 4:24 (NIV)


But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in time of trouble. Psalm 59:16 (NIV)


God's still, small voice resonated as if he was standing beside me, saying, “Worship your way out of this.” It came at a time when I felt hopeless and defeated as I was battling for my health. I mustered all the breath I had and began to pour my heart out in worship, to the one who holds my life in his hands. That act of surrender to God unlocked a series of events that I can only describe as divine intervention. He made a way where I thought there was no way. I came out the other side healed and empowered, and utterly convinced of the power of worship.

The Lord reminded me of a specific story in the Bible about King Jehoshaphat of Judah in 2 Chronicles 20 where worship changed the trajectory of a seemingly impossible situation. The king had just received the terrible news that a greater, powerful army was coming to war against him and his people and was stricken with fear. He immediately sought the Lord's guidance and acknowledged God’s matchless power and sovereignty. He publicly recounted all the times God powerfully intervened in the past, to remind the people of Judah of the God they serve. King Jehoshaphat and his people were instructed to meet the enemy in battle the next day, and not to be afraid or discouraged, because the battle is not theirs, but God's. 2 Chron. 20:15 (NLT). Encouraged and empowered with holy boldness, they worshiped and marched to the battlefield only to realize the moment they began to sing and praise the Lord, the enemy armies began fighting against each other and destroyed themselves. Judah got the victory without having to go to war. Not every battle is for you to fight. The act of surrender through worship allows God to show you who he is—the Waymaker.


Can you remember the times when God powerfully intervened on your behalf? Take time right now to thank God for his faithfulness in your life.


All-powerful God, you are my rock and my fortress. Both when times are good and when times get rough, help me fix my eyes on you, stand on your Word, and worship you in Spirit and truth.