Week 6 | Day 5 | Pray


And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Matt 6:13 NIV


“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 (NIV)


For me, it is a blessed reminder to witness God's presence in every aspect of my life. From the radiant sun, to the mountains that declare His glory, and the gift of my family. Even in the joyous moments of summer spent with friends, I find His fingerprints everywhere. Truly I’m grateful, for all good things flow from Him alone.

Yet, as I turn on the news, I am confronted with the stark reality of evil. Reports of heinous crimes, innocent missing children, the carnage of war, and countless other acts of wickedness can obscure my vision of Him.

The adversary, the devil, is indeed as real as our loving God, and a relentless spiritual battle wages for the redemption of our souls. This sobering truth only serves to heighten the urgency of clinging to God's Word. In a world scarred by brokenness and ravaged by sin, it becomes crucial for us to maintain communication with the Creator of the Universe - our Heavenly Father - to whom we have a direct line. It is through this constant connection that we find the strength to resist and overcome the allure of evil that surrounds us.


When you get a feeling of love in your heart, do you pray to God and thank him? When you scroll to social news, do you pray for our broken world?


Heavenly Father, Divine Creator of the World, I humbly come before You, seeking Your guidance and grace. Open my eyes, I pray, to behold the goodness that is in our world. Grant me the wisdom and discernment to recognize Your hand at work amidst the trials and tribulations. Help me to turn to You in prayer, seeking solace and direction when confronted with injustice and unrighteousness. You, who hold all knowledge and understanding, I surrender myself to Your will. In Your infinite wisdom, lead me on the path of righteousness and grant me the strength to follow Your divine guidance. Amen.