Week 6 | Day 2 | A Prayer to Equip You


"Ask in faith" Matthew 12:18-22 (NIV)


Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2


Lord, give me the eyes to see. Guard my heart from the Evil One.

This is a silent prayer I pray each morning before my crazy day begins.  

Give me the eyes to see. I ask the Lord to help me be aware of the injustices, the hurt, and the brokenness that surround me so I can pray over them. I also ask for the Lord to reveal the temptations that are coming at me so that I may guard my heart through prayer, and remember the Words the Lord has given me in scripture to combat these invitations to sin.

I alone cannot fight this battle which is why Colossian 4:2 asks me to devote myself to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Thankfully, we have Christ who has already won the war against sin, who can guide us to be watchful until He returns.


How are you relying on the Lord to help you be on guard and watchful to the temptations of this world?


Lord, give me the eyes to see. Guard my heart from the Evil One.