Week 6 | Day 1 | Seeking God's Guidance and Protection


"Ask in faith" Matthew 12:18-22 (NIV)


And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6:13 (NKJV)


In this verse from the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us to seek God's guidance and protection in our daily lives. By praying, "lead us not into temptation," we confess our weakness, vulnerability, and our need for God's help to avoid sin and make wise and moral choices. We are aware that we are susceptible to being led astray without God's guidance.

We demonstrate our reliance on God's power to prevail in our spiritual conflicts when we pray for freedom from the evil one. We admit the existence of a spiritual foe who aims to sabotage our beliefs, cloud our judgment, and mislead us. By offering this prayer, we declare our faith in God's ability to save us from the grips of evil and to keep us secure in his loving care.

We invite God's wisdom and protection as we look to him for direction and protection. We give him the authority to mold our ideas, aspirations, and deeds into what he sees fit. This prayer serves as a reminder that we are not alone in our troubles and that we have a steadfast and mighty God who battles for us and gives us the strength to live triumphant lives.


How can you actively seek God's guidance in your daily decisions and choices? What are some common temptations or areas of weakness in your life, and how can you rely on God's strength to resist them? In what ways can you cultivate a deeper trust in God's protection and deliverance from the schemes of the evil one?


Father in Heaven, I come before you and acknowledge my need for your direction and protection. Help me avoid temptations and assist me in making decisions that reflect well on you. I acknowledge the existence of the evil one and ask for your freedom from his nefarious plans. Please give me the knowledge and awareness to understand his strategies and the stamina to maintain my faith. May you rule over all aspects of my life with your presence and strength. Amen.