Week 5 | Day 4 | Redeemed and Reconciled - Our Return Back to God


Forgive Offenders. Matthew 18:21-35 (NIV)


“In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and understanding.” Ephesians 1:7-8 (NKJV) 


In the ICU, I spend much time listening to many patients while holding their hands for support and comfort as they share their stories about their lives as they near the end of their lives. This window of time is holy and sacred. Often, I would ask them if there were any family members or friends to contact so no words are left unsaid. Most of the time, family and dear friends come and are with their loved ones until they take their last breath. 

There was one particular older gentleman who had no family or friends to come and see him. He shared he had done so many bad things in his life that have hurt the people who cared most about him who eventually gave up and abandoned him. He shared his severe illness was punishment from God who would never forgive him. As I sat with him, I shared there are no sins too great for God to forgive through the blood of Christ Jesus. In this sacred time, I shared with him that his past is not on trial. Through Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross, his blood covered his sins. He received Christ that day and passed away knowing he did not die alone as God was with him. 

The measure of God’s forgiveness is not about beating ourselves up. Rather, the measure of God’s forgiveness is according to the riches of His grace. The Apostle Paul started this verse with “In Him” meaning God has already given this blessing to us through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. His blood bought us from our slavery to sin that we cannot do ourselves. Forgiveness is the ultimate true freedom given by Christ and in Christ. 


Forgiveness is freedom in Christ. Who do we need to forgive to receive freedom that only Christ can give. 


Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and rose from the grave to give me life. I know you are the only way to God. Please forgive me, change my life, and show me how to know You. Amen.