Week 5 | Day 3 | Never Ending Forgiveness


Forgive Offenders. Matthew 18:21-35 (NIV)


If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying “I repent,” you must forgive them. Luke 17:3-4 (NIV)


My relationship with my mom has always been a complicated one and it has changed and shifted multiple times over the years. When I was kid, it was me running to my room angry and shutting the door as loud as I could. As a teenager, it was screaming matches between the two of us. We never seemed to be on the same page. As a young adult, it was me moving out and not talking to my mom for a whole year. Like I said before, complicated. 

Looking back, I think my mom always hoped that I would move back home at some point, which is why she was extremely upset when I got engaged and she realized that was never happening. She never shared any of those thoughts or feelings with me, which is why the entire year of my engagement I just thought my mom wanted to be difficult for no reason. 

We barely spoke to each other that year. She missed my bridal shower, the courthouse wedding, and refused to get involved in the wedding planning. On my wedding day, I wasn’t even sure if she was going to show up; but she did and everything that had happened prior to that didn’t matter anymore. It was all forgiven. 

I’ve been married for three years and sometimes it still hurts to reflect on my engagement year and wedding season and realize that my mom wasn’t present. But every time I think about it, I forgive my mom all over again and I feel grateful to have her in my life. Also, it gives me the opportunity to sit in God’s presence and thank Him for forgiving me and loving me regardless of how many times I’ve fallen short. It’s so powerful to think of how much God has stretched my heart to learn how to forgive others. Putting your faith in Jesus raises both the question and an invitation of extending forgiveness to others when they hurt us. Not just one time or two times, but as many times as is needed. 


Can you forgive others endlessly in the same way that God forgives you?


Father God, thank you for your incredible capacity to forgive. Your forgiveness knows no bounds, and it's a beautiful reminder of your love for us. As we navigate our own journeys of forgiveness, please grant us the strength and grace to extend that same forgiveness to others, just as you do for us. Amen.