Day 2 | He Waits



Let’s have a feast and celebrate! For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. Luke 15:23b-24a


My eldest son was a rebellious teenager and young adult. He was one to push the envelope, test the boundaries, and disregard parental advice. Though we raised our kids surrounded by a life-giving faith community who loved them and loved Jesus, there came a season when my son strayed away. He was in college away from home, had his own place he shared with his best friend, and had a great job that afforded him more than enough play money. 

While he didn’t explicitly reject Jesus, he wasn’t exhibiting what I thought was “evidence” of his faith in God - going to church, reading his bible, hanging out with Christians. We butted heads often, causing a rift in our once tight relationship. No matter how much I tried to patch things up, no fruit came of it. God’s faithfulness was all that I could hold onto during that season. After all, as my heavenly Father, as well as my son’s, I knew that he loved my son more than I ever could.  

At times, raising our kids in the ways of Jesus felt exhausting, and I feared that I would not see the fruit of our labors. But in God’s perfect timing, my son found his way back home to Jesus. In his mid-twenties, he went through a season of introspection, really trying to figure life out. He, on his own, returned to what he knew - reconnecting with Jesus and his faith community. Waiting patiently for his return, God ran to meet my son (his son), surrounded him with a faith community who loved Jesus and loved him back into the God’s kingdom. God always had his eye out for my son’s return. 


Are you despairing about someone you love who has strayed away? Can you imagine your heavenly Father waiting for your loved one’s return and the celebration he has planned?  


God, thank you that you have not taken your eyes off of us and our loved ones. Thank you for drawing us back to you, and for accompanying us on our return to you. May my heart rest at ease knowing that you patiently wait.