Week 2 | Day 5 | Our Father


“‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” Matthew 6:9


But you are our Father,
    though Abraham does not know us
    or Israel acknowledge us;

You, Lord, are our Father,
    our Redeemer from of old is your name. 
Isaiah 63:16


When I think of God as my “father” of course I reflect on my own earthly father… I mean fathers. My biological father left when I was two and randomly popped up in my life when it was convenient to him. My mom remarried when I was 5 to an Army officer who was very strict and uncompromising. He did adopt us, my brother, sister, and I when I was in middle school. Then once he and my mom divorced, I barely heard from him until my late twenties. My mom remarried during my high school years. My step dad was a giving, loving man, but more of my mom’s husband than my “father”.

So to say that I was confused about the meaning of “father” is an understatement. Now I look at my husband, a father that absolutely loves our two sons. He is not perfect, he’s an earthly, human father, but he’s there, consistent. My boys never question the love of their father.

As I read Isaiah 63:16, I’m reminded that GOD is our Heavenly Father. He knows us. He understands our struggles. He is always consistent, always there, no matter what. 


Did you grow up with a loving father? If not, you can still talk to our Heavenly Father and know that he’s always there. Always listening. Always loving.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me. Thank you for being patient, kind, understanding, and available. Help me to open up more to you. Amen.