Week 2 | Day 3 | The Potter's Hands


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:9-10 (NIV)


O Lord, you are our father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand. Isaiah 64:8-9 (NLT)


It’s not how you start; it’s how you finish. A lump of clay doesn’t look like much in the beginning. It’s a pile of moist dirt that doesn’t look like it has much of a purpose, until the potter puts his hands to it and gets to work. Without God molding and shaping us into his unique creation, our purpose and divine design is not being lived out yet. There’s a process that needs to take place to create a masterpiece in us from forming to fire.

I’m reminded of a fun pottery class I took with a friend, where I noticed parallels of the pottery process and God's hands at work in our lives. I realized quickly I had to use gentle hands to slowly form the clay. I couldn’t be heavy handed or I would crush it. Timing was everything and the process couldn’t be rushed. If I tried to build it higher right away without setting a good base it would collapse. God's gentle hands mold and shape us for our divine purpose. He is always patient with us and his timing is always perfect. In contrast, we tend to be impatient, trying to accomplish things our way or in our timing. We may even avoid a crucial part of God’s refining process that occurs when we undergo trials in life. As with refining clay in the fire of the kiln, God’s refining process makes it strong. 

We are a constant work in progress. Like the clay, God created us from dust but that’s not our ultimate design. We are His masterpiece. God makes everything beautiful in His time. For He has set eternity in the human heart. Ecclesiastes 3:11(NIV) Let’s stand on God’s promise and trust him that if it’s not good, God’s not done.


Are the influences shaping who you are, worldly expectations or past hurts? Are you trusting God's timing and process? 


Thank you, Father, your plans for me are good, not to harm me. Thank you for giving me hope that you are not done with me yet. I submit my life to you every day and invite you to do your will in and through me.