Week 2 | Day 2 | The Divine Model of Prayer


This is how you should pray Matthew 6:9a NIV


In this manner, therefore, pray:

"Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.

Matthew 6:9 (NKJV)


In this verse, Jesus gives his disciples a model prayer—commonly known as the Lord's Prayer—in order to teach them how to pray. This verse's significance goes above and beyond simple recitation, though. Jesus underlines how crucial it is to refer to God as our heavenly Father and to recognize the purity of his name. Jesus effectively demonstrates the tone for a humble and modest attitude to prayer.

Using the phrase "Our Father" to address God helps us to remember how close we are to him. It encourages us to approach God with childlike faith and dependence. As we acknowledge the sanctity of God's name, we are reminded of his greatness and worth. It instructs our hearts to concentrate on his attributes and give him the respect and adoration he merits.

As we pray, we are called to surrender our own agendas and seek God's kingdom and His righteousness above all else. This prayer serves as a reminder that our relationship with God is not about bending His will to ours but aligning our will with His. It invites us to seek His guidance, wisdom, and provision in all aspects of our lives.


How can we cultivate a deeper sense of intimacy with God as our heavenly Father in our prayer life? In what ways can we demonstrate reverence for God's name in our thoughts, words, and actions? How does acknowledging God as our heavenly Father and honoring his name impact our perspective on prayer?


Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you, acknowledging your holiness and greatness. Thank you for the privilege of calling you "Father" and for the intimate relationship I have with you through Jesus Christ. Help me to approach you with childlike trust and dependence, knowing that you are always ready to listen. May your name be hallowed in my life, and may I always honor and exalt you in all I do. In Jesus' name, amen.