Week 3 | Day 2 | Open the Doors to your Heart


Be One. John 17:20-23 (NIV)


“Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with each other.” Mark 9:50 (NIV)


I recently saw the movie, “Jesus Revolution.” This movie is about the Christian revival that took place in the late sixties. It was led by hippies and people that were disillusioned by the events of the time. They were seen as radicals and unwanted by the mainstream.

Well, the hippies wanted to know more about God and what he had to offer them, so they went to church. Guess what! The traditional church - this is the way it has always been done church - did not want to open their doors to these strange people. The church members were used to things being done and said a certain way. They did not welcome change.  

But their pastor said “yes” to these flower children and opened the doors of his church. A few of these strange people started coming to church and then more and more, until they had to find a new location for their services. The church members that decided to stay had some saltiness added to their congregation. They experienced joyful, loud music with Jesus people sitting on the floor praising God. The flavor of the church was changed forever. 

Just think what would have happened if every church said no. The Jesus Revival may not have happened and thousands of people would not have been baptized and found a relationship with Jesus. The new believers were reborn and the church congregation was renewed with a “YES”!


Have you been in a situation with people that are different than you and made a snap judgement to not make yourself available to them? Do you need to add some saltiness to your faith walk? Our world is full of people that need to know that they are loved and valued, just as Jesus taught.


Jesus, I want to be open and available to people that are different than me. Help me see the potential in every person I meet. Guide me with your Holy Spirit.