Week 3 | Day 1 | Oneness of Purpose


Be one. John 17:20-23


Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3:8 (NIV)


I belong to an amazing growth group that I hope my friends are not qualified to join. Our Women’s Cancer Warriors Group is a group of women joined together by a shared life battle. However, the journey each of us has taken includes different emotions, diagnosis and treatment options. Our group includes women of various ages, backgrounds, occupations, ethnicities, and family dynamics. Some of the women are currently in treatment while others battled years ago. 

A quote from Dr. Tony Evans resonates with me when I think about this group: “Unity is oneness of purpose, not sameness of persons.” 

What unites our group is connection and a desire to encourage others who are traveling the difficult road of cancer. When we get together, we both listen and share stories. We encourage each other and show compassion. It’s a privilege to be a part of the group and witness how these women love each other as Jesus followers. It is inspiring to see the light of Jesus shine from such dark journeys.

I am reminded today that this is the way of Jesus. Jesus wants the beauty of unity that includes love, compassion, encouragement, sympathy and humility for his church. Imagine what a light we can shine to the world when we are united in this kind of love!


How can you make personal connections with other believers? Asking another believer to share a meal or joining a growth group are great starts to connection.


Lord, thank you for the variety of people in your church. Show me ways to connect and love others with compassion and humility. Help me to focus on following you as a united church, that together we might be a light to the world.