Week 2 | Day 1 | How is it with your soul?


Take my yoke upon you and learn from me. Matthew 11:29 (NIV)


Jesus said to them, “Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.” Mark 6:31 (Paraphrase)


John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement, often posed this question to fellow sojourners in the ways of Jesus: “How is it with your soul?” The question is meant to draw out more than just the cursory “It’s all good” response. It is an invitation to deep reflection on how things really are with us - the health of our soul, our inner being. For me, the soul is that part of me that existed before God formed my body; it is the present animating force of my life; and it is that which will exist with God through eternity. So, when I attend to this question, “How is it with your soul?” I take it as an invitation to pause - check to see if, how, and why the most important part of me, my soul, is disconnected from Jesus. The (un)health of my soul affects me, my relationship with Jesus, and everyone/thing else around me.

Recently, I had to be honest both with myself and a group of women that I had been journeying with in my faith walk. We had taken a long break. Everyone was eager to get back together when group season began this year. While I was mentally prepared for facilitating our small group, my soul was tired, my heart was not in it. Things were not well with my soul. I frankly couldn’t give any attention to anything else other than what I felt God calling my attention to. As much as I wanted to reestablish and nurture deep community with my friends, I felt God calling me to come away with him, to step away from the crowd and be alone with him to rest for a while. I don’t know how long “for a while” is, but I’m sure my soul will get a clue. Things are beginning to shift, to refocus. While all is not quite well yet, I know that as I continue to listen for and lean into that invitation to go away with Jesus, he will make all things, including my soul, well again.


How is it with your soul? Would you listen for and lean into that invitation to go away with Jesus? 


Holy Spirit, help me to be continually attuned to your voice, and come and rest in you.