Week 1 | Day 4 | Trusting God’s Cannonball Call


Do not worry about your life. Luke 12:22


In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. Psalm 25:1 (NIV)


Our family has attended Eastlake Church since 2009. At the end of 2016 our family entered a time of financial insecurity. My husband retired from the military and 28 years of a predictable income ended. In early 2017, Eastlake challenged its membership with a massive two-year giving initiative called Cannonball. Everyone was asked to stretch financially to forward fund the Jesus mission with church plants, building improvements, and community outreach. We prayed, and separately came up with the same number. God was calling us to almost double our tithe. Now hearing God and obeying God are two different things. Should we follow the security of money, or the security of obedience? We were not sure where that money was going to come from. Financial security was a major priority in our home, but the call from God was clear. We obeyed. 

God immediately showed up. We received a check from an old friend dated the day we made the commitment. Ten years before we helped her out of a financial bind. Suddenly, she felt compelled to gift it back. We used the money to begin to fund our cannonball gift. It was just the beginning of God’s overwhelming provision in that season. God taught us that we can trust Him even over our finances. Our security is in Him.


Where does your security lie?  Relationships? Money? Safety? How might He be calling you to trust your security in Him?


Father, help me to be as reckless in my obedience as you are in your faithfulness. Overwhelm me with the certainty that my security rests in you. Help me to expect and rejoice in your provision of all good things.