Week 1 | Day 2 | Bigger Faith or Bigger Fear?


Do not worry about your life. Luke 12:22


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)


I grew up as an anxious kid. I recall having knots in my stomach or having trouble breathing before a major event would happen. High School and College years were filled with bouts of uncontrollable crying and exasperated breathing which seemed to come out of nowhere. I didn’t have a label for it at the time but I recognized it as anxiety later in life.  

A wise friend once said “anxiety is a fancy name for fear.” I am not downplaying the seriousness of anxiety and that there are individuals who require medication to help manage it. These few words shared by my friend got me thinking of the struggles I faced as a kid and young adult. I was very fearful. I feared the future and allowed those fears to play over and over in my head. These fears led to worry which led to a sense of lack of control. I worried too much over the things I could not control instead of giving them over to the Lord. I didn’t know how to. I also wasn’t aware that he cared so much about my worries and fears.  

As an adult, I use today’s verse as a constant check on where my heart is when it comes to worry and fear. Am I praying even small prayers throughout the day when my mind starts to wander? Is my faith bigger than my fear or is my fear bigger than my faith?


Use today’s verse as a constant reminder to stop and pray throughout the day. Give your worries to him and receive his peace. Is my faith bigger than my fear or is my fear bigger than my faith?


Heavenly Father. Thank you for always being here, I give you my worries in exchange for your peace.