Week 2 | Day 1 | Honor Your Marriage with Healthy Community


Honor Marriage


As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 (NIV)


My husband and I entered marriage with idealistic and romantic notions about our marriage expectations. Soon daily life, differing personalities, and the reality that our life was not a “Lifetime” movie started to set in. 

One of the best things we did for our marriage was to stop looking for the other person to change and to start cooperating with Jesus to change us individually. When we started to walk more closely with Jesus we went on individual journeys. Growth groups, Bible studies, and healthy Christian friendships helped us strengthen our relationship with Jesus and each other. We learned we were flawed and sinful people who needed to be better versions of ourselves, and that only Jesus could make that happen. Jesus gave us the loving nudges to change over time. 

We met frequently with like-minded, Christ-loving people who also wanted to grow and transform. Virtually all the finger-pointing and blaming stopped. Through this Christ community, our accepting of personal responsibility and self-reflection brought transformation to our marriage. Our Savior has helped us to love each other so much better. We are becoming more loving, more forgiving, more patient, and more joyous because of Jesus and the community he has provided. Our marriage, parenting, and friendship sharpened because we were being advised, encouraged, and prayed for in positive community.


Will you consider being the change your marriage needs? Are you open to Jesus transforming you in a healthy, vibrant church community?


Lord, I want to be a better spouse and person. Help me to seek you out and your people to help me in my transformation process.