Week 1 | Day 2 | Who He Is


Love one another. John 15:17 (NIV)


No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 1 John 4:12 (NIV)


My six year old daughter, Brighton, likes to ask me big questions. And there is really nothing like a child asking you questions to realize how much you don’t know. 

She has a deep desire to really understand things. As adults we can’t even begin to fathom truly understanding Jesus. But in my daughter, I understand why Jesus tells us to have faith like a child - it’s curious, it’s selfless, it’s open, it’s unaffected by the cynicism that plagues each of us as life’s hurts and troubles get in our way. 

One day last year while driving home from school, Brighton said, “I wish we could see Jesus. Like really see Jesus. Why can’t we see him?” 

As a mother, I’m getting comfortable with not always having the answers. But I remembered this verse. So, we got curious together. “Gosh Brighton, I wish I could really see him too, but guess what? The Bible tells us that when we love each other, that is one of the best ways for people to see Jesus because they can see him in us. Loving people is one of the best ways to see Jesus and to show other people Jesus.”

I don’t know if her little mind fully grasped that concept. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to truly grasp it too. God is love. And when we love, we tap into something eternal - we take place in a holy communion with our Heavenly Father, showing people just a glimpse of who he is. If we love like we do, as imperfect humans, how much more perfectly does he love? Beyond comprehension. 


What is a practical way you can love the people around you? Making dinner? Babysitting a single mom’s baby? Getting coffee with someone who needs an ear to listen?


God thank you for loving us. It’s beyond our comprehension just how much you do. But we ask for a deeper understanding of how you love us so we can share that love with the people around us.