Week 1 | Day 2 | Firm Foundation


If you love me, keep my commands. John 14:15 NIV


Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds his house on solid rock. Matthew 7:24 NLT


This is usually the time of year when I do a personal “look back and look forward” reflection. How did I do last year, and what can I “work on” this year? Year after year, it’s the same thing - get back in physical shape, spend less and save more, and read my bible every day. Inevitably, I don’t follow through with my resolutions. Instead, I end up reverting back to old habits. As the days, weeks, and months pass, I get derailed from practicing regular disciplines that help me to get physically, financially, and spiritually healthy. 

It’s difficult to stay on track when there are so many distractions in life. These distractions dull my ears and heart to Jesus’ invitation to follow his ways in every area of my life. I lose sight of Jesus and his best for me. And yet, his invitation is always there to get back on track, even as I repeatedly stumble along the way. I know that Jesus will meet me where I am. He desires that I build my life on the foundation of his love for me. And since I do love him, he’s already given me all that I need to follow his ways - himself. 


What are you building your life on? What can you do differently this year to deepen your walk with Jesus?


Jesus, thank you for inviting us to deepen our love for you. Transform us with your love and help us become more like you.