Week 5 | Day 3 | Resident Alien


 “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear” Luke 14:35b (NIV)


“… seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper;” Jeremiah 29:7 (NIV)


It’s interesting to see that God was asking the people of Israel to work for the common good and pray for a society that had taken them captive. God didn’t want his people to assimilate into a pagan society, and he didn’t want them to withdraw to form a “holy huddle”. He asked them to work towards the peace and prosperity of their city so they could thrive and survive for a greater plan.

Like the people of Israel in exile, I long for a better place, a more just and peaceful world. Why do I hunger for a world that I have never fully experienced? This longing points to a time when it did exist, and a time when it will be restored.

This life of harmony in the way that God intended it to be, known as shalom, was lost when sin entered our world, affecting our relationship with God, with others, and the rest of creation. The good news is that Jesus came to restore all that was lost and one day he will return to fully complete this mission. The exciting part is that he has called us to be co-participants with him.

As I wait in exile for his return, I’m joining Jesus on his mission to restore shalom where I live and work, using my talents, education, knowledge, and resources. I want to work to give my community a foretaste of the healed world that Jesus will bring about someday. Knowing this, my work is not pointless; my work is not in vain.


What opportunities is God giving you to bring a foretaste of shalom to your city or workplace? 


Jesus, help me in my decision to sacrificially love my city as you have loved me.