Week 4 | Day 2 | The Impact of An Invitation


Tell the people there to come. Luke 14:15-24


He commissioned them to preach the news of God’s kingdom and heal the sick. He said, “Don’t load yourselves up with equipment. Keep it simple; you are the equipment. Luke 9:2-3 (MSG)


We thought it was exciting when our family relocated in a new city away from family and friends. However, our great adventure turned into a difficult time for me, when my husband started his new job and I was home alone with our two boys. I asked God to help me find a friend.

A few days later, a neighbor across the street waved me over and introduced herself. I was excited that God answered my prayer so quickly. However, my excitement was short lived. The neighbor, Kim, and her family went camping most weekends and were busy during the week. Did God realize that Kim didn’t have the availability that I needed?

Weeks later, Kim waved me over again. She invited me to MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) and explained that it was at a church. There would be food, crafts, a lesson and childcare! Those were some of my most favorite things, so I agreed to go. I immediately loved it and continued to attend. Kim didn’t go often, but the format helped me to connect quickly with other young mothers. The Lord used her invitation to answer my prayer in ways beyond my imagination.

My once preschool-aged boys are in their 30’s now, but I will never forget the impact that Kim’s invitation had on me. When my eldest entered kindergarten the following year, I already had friends that I had met through MOPS. 

The impact of Kim’s invitation went beyond her words. I’m not in contact with her anymore and don’t remember her last name, but if I could, I would tell her “Thank you for thinking to invite me. Thank you for taking the chance that I might have turned down your invitation. Your invitation made a difference in my life.”


Who can you invite today for coffee or to share a meal; to join a growth group with you; to come to church; or to work alongside of you on a service project? 

Ask the Lord to guide you, give you the words and extend the invitation.


Lord Jesus, thank you for invitations from others that have made a difference in my life. Thank you for providing me with everything I need to follow the way of invitation. Please help me to hear and obey the Holy Spirit this week by extending an invitation to someone who needs to be asked.