Week 1 | Day 3 | Beyond Morality


Go and do likewise. Luke 10:25-37


“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” Luke 10:36-38 (NIV) 


A man carrying a red suitcase in Paris seemed to be having a heart attack and fell to the ground. Many people passed by and ignored him until a woman stopped to help. At that point the “victim” pointed to the camera and the woman laughed with relief and joy. This social media reel reminded me of the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

“Who is my neighbor?”, the lawyer asked. Jesus didn’t give him an answer that could be turned into another morality rule for self-righteousness. In a surprising turn in this parable, the Samaritan, despised and rejected by everyone, was the one who stopped to help. This is how Jesus led the lawyer to answer his own question: “The one who had mercy on him”.

The “one who had mercy” ignored the established physical and cultural barriers between Jews and Samaritans. He went to the injured man. He did not care that the man was considered “impure”. That practice had kept the Levites and the priests from showing compassion and leading others to God.

Often, I’m not aware of the needs of disadvantaged people because I don’t step into their physical and cultural world. I don’t look for them. I don’t talk to them. I allow my busyness, convenience and differences from seeing them as people of great value made in the image of God. 

But Jesus did not mean for this parable to be just a lesson on private morality. He wants to change my heart, and that can only happen when I experience and internalize his grace and compassion. Jesus, like the Good Samaritan who was despised and rejected, had compassion on me and came to my rescue. Being God, he did not use his status to his own advantage. He didn’t care that I was impure. He simply came to my rescue. 


How can we act in love and compassion towards others as Jesus did for us?


Lord Jesus, may I always remember your undeserved compassion so that I can “go and do likewise”.