Week 4 | Day 4 | The Holy Spirit Will Teach You


Be on your guard – Matthew 10:17 (NIV)


“For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” Luke 12:12 (NIV) 


When I first committed to following Jesus, I started serving my church community through youth services and small groups. At first, my serving role was primarily setting up the message notes and pens under every seat in the church auditorium. This role felt comfortable and safe.

A few months later, the youth pastor invited me and encouraged me to co-lead a 9th-grade girls’ small group alongside a more seasoned leader. I was terrified. I was new in my faith journey, and I felt extremely unqualified. My biggest worry was, “What if they asked me a question about God that I didn’t know the answer to?” or “What if I said the wrong thing?”

The words of Luke 12:12 that say, “for the Holy Spirit will teach you at the time what you should say,” are a powerful reminder that we can trust God to give us wisdom and discernment. We can lean in and trust that his Holy Spirit will guide us in what to say, and that he will always lead us toward actions and words of love and kindness towards others.


In what ways can you lean in and trust that God will give you wisdom and discernment when you need it? 


Heavenly Father, we thank you for the promise of the Holy Spirit who teaches us and empowers us. Help us to trust in your guidance and to lean on your wisdom. May we be bold witnesses for Christ, knowing that we are never alone, but always led by the Spirit. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.