Week 4 | Day 1 | Wisdom in Opposition


“Be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time, you will be given what to say.” Matthew 10:16, 19 (NIV)


“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5 (NIV)


In my own life, I encountered a period of intense opposition and adversity. It felt as though the forces against me were insurmountable, and I was constantly met with challenges that left me feeling drained and discouraged. I turned to God in prayer, recognizing that my own understanding was insufficient to navigate these difficult circumstances.

As I sought God's wisdom, I began to see things differently. His wisdom enabled me to view the opposition not as insurmountable obstacles but as opportunities for growth and transformation. Through prayer and reflection, I gained insights and strategies to address the challenges before me.

God's wisdom also brought a sense of peace and perseverance. I realized that the opposition was not a sign of God's absence but an invitation to rely on his strength and guidance. With his wisdom, I was able to respond to adversity with grace and determination, trusting that he was working through the challenges for my ultimate good.

James 1:5 reminds us that God's wisdom is available to us, even in the face of opposition. When we seek his wisdom, we tap into a wellspring of insight, courage, and discernment. We discover that opposition can be a catalyst for growth and a pathway to his greater purposes in our lives.


How has seeking God's wisdom in times of opposition transformed your perspective and approach to challenges in your life?


Heavenly Father, help us see opposition as an opportunity for growth and a path to your greater purposes. May your wisdom be our guiding light in the darkest moments.