Week 2 | Day 2 | Lie Detector


Beware of false prophets. Matthew 7:15


Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 Juan 6:10 (NIV)


Are you kidding me? How do you know? Those were my questions as I was told that my bill was counterfeit. I was shocked! It looked and felt so real. I had been duped. 

At that moment I thought about my daughter who for years had worked at a financial institution where she had learned to discern between true and false currency. Her ability to make such a quick distinction was her habitual practice of testing the bills. This protected her from being easily deceived. 

In the same way, how can we know if what is being taught about Jesus is true? It must be tested in the light of God’s word. The deceiver of our souls wants to convince us of half-truths. A perfect example would be that Jesus was a good man, but not God. Don’t be deceived. Jesus is and will always be fully God and fully human.


Where do you need to shed light on your beliefs about Jesus? Do they confirm that he is fully God and fully human? If not, then would you consider accepting that truth today in the light of God’s word?


Lord, help us detect the lies when it comes to believing who your son Jesus really is. May we read the bible consistently to confirm that truth. Despite what we’ve previously believed, allow us to test its validity in your light. Amen.