Week 1 | Day 5 | Finding Freedom in Righteousness


Beware of the Pharisees - Don’t do what the Pharisees do. - Matthew 23:1-4


You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. Romans 6:18 (NIV)


Childhood memories often shape our perceptions in indelible ways. My early years in church painted a picture of a God of rules and consequences. Conversations were rife with talk of hell, the impending end-times, and the pervasive sins of the world. The Bible, rather than being a source of solace, became a tool for highlighting misdeeds before punishment. This instilled a fear-driven faith, an unwavering belief in a God of "DO AS I SAY or ELSE."

Then, a pivotal moment arrived. At 24, pregnant and unwed, I apprehensively re-entered the church, bracing for judgment. Instead, I was met with open arms. The guilt and weight of my perceived sin melted in the warmth of acceptance, allowing me to truly understand the words of Romans 6:18.

The Pharisees of Jesus' time were not much different from the environment of my early faith journey. Laden with rules and a superficial understanding of God's word, they missed the core message of God's love and grace. But Jesus, in his infinite wisdom, showed us the way. In him, I found freedom, not just from the shackles of sin, but from the oppressive weight of empty religious rituals and legalism.

Now, my faith is different. It's no longer about checking boxes or avoiding hellfire. It's about love, service, and a genuine desire to embrace Jesus' teachings. My past mistakes no longer loom as harbingers of doom. Instead, they are lessons that shape my journey, guiding me towards a deeper relationship with Christ.


  • Redefining Faith: Reflect on your understanding of God. Does it stem from fear or love? Seek to build a relationship grounded in God's grace and love.

  • Embrace Freedom in Christ: Allow yourself to be freed from past guilt and mistakes. Remember, in Christ we are set free from sin and are called to walk in righteousness.

  • Expressing Genuine Commitment: Engage with your faith community, not out of obligation, but out of a genuine desire to serve and grow in Christ.


Dear Lord, thank you for setting me free from the chains of sin and legalism. Help me to always remember the depth of your grace and love. Guide me to serve you and others out of genuine love and not out of obligation. May my life always be a testament to the freedom and righteousness found in you. Amen.