Week 4 | Day 3 | The Big Red Bird


Do not be angry. Matthew 5:21-26 (NIV)


Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Ephesians 4:31 (NIV)


My friends and acquaintances would likely not guess that I can be quick to anger with some of my family members. Normally I’m fairly even tempered. However, at home I can get angry quickly when I think someone is not being kind or considerate. Even though my angry words are often justified, I know this is not the person God wants me to be. Repeatedly, I’ve tried to not get angry. But often, in a split second, the fire is lit, words pour out, communication ceases and my regret follows. 

As I read Ephesians 4:29-32, I realized trying to not get angry is like trying not to think about a big red bird. Are you already picturing that bird in your mind? In the same way, trying not to get angry puts my focus on anger. Instead, I need to make a habit of focusing on the rest of the verses: 

  1. Recognize the Holy Spirit as a gift Jesus has given me. v.30 (MSG) 
  2. Use my words to build others up. v.29
  3. Be kind and compassionate. v.32
  4. Forgive as I’ve been forgiven. v.33

Instead of reacting in anger, I can take a deep breath, ask the Holy Spirit for help, and allow my words to be guided by God’s wisdom and love. The Lord will be faithful and provide me the words I need at the time. Thankfully, I am forgiven by Jesus and can start again. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I can act and become more like the person God calls me to be. That is the way of Jesus.


How can you implement the relational actions listed in Ephesians 4:29-32?


Lord, your ways are designed for us out love and wisdom. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit that helps me to reflect your ways. Help me to use my words to build others up and demonstrate your compassion.