Week 3 | Day 4 | Love First


“Do not judge, and you will not be judged.” Luke 6:37 (NIV) 


If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5 (NIV)


I had a few minutes to pray while my 22-year-old single daughter was in the bathroom taking a pregnancy test. She had not been feeling well for a few weeks and had stayed home from work that day. “Just to be sure,” I had said, “why don’t you take a pregnancy test.” While she was in the bathroom, my mind started racing and I started worrying. So I prayed. “Dear Lord, please give me wisdom and compassion if the test is positive.”

Then, when she came out of the bathroom in tears, I knew the test was positive. Thankfully, in those seconds between my prayer and her results, God had supernaturally surrounded me with peace. Instead of judgment, he gave me words of compassion and wisdom. I put my arms around her and said, “It’s OK, Honey. We’ll be with you through this, and you know we’ll all love this baby.”

She later said that she was amazed that we had not chastised her for her foolishness of having unprotected sex. She was surprised by our compassion and love rather than judgment and condemnation.

Today she points to the birth of her son as a turning point in her life. She says his birth was a catalyst to bring her closer to the Lord. Furthermore, out of love for her child, she made decisions to follow God’s way in other areas of her life. As he so often does, God took a difficult situation and used it for good in many, many ways.

I’m thankful for God’s generous answer to my split-second prayer. He supernaturally gave me the response I needed and helped me to show compassion instead of judgment. After all, isn’t that what Jesus does for me? His love doesn’t end when I sin. When I need to face difficult consequences, he hears my cry for help. The Lord generously extends me forgiveness, compassion and grace as walks with me though difficult journeys. 


Is there someone in your life who has taken steps away from God’s way? Pray that God will give you wisdom in reacting to their actions. Know that Jesus calls you to love them. He can redeem their story even if it seems impossible.


Lord Jesus, you have restored my story too many times to count. I’m so thankful that you don’t call me by my sin but instead call me “Beloved.” Help me to love others and see them how you see me.