Week 2 | Day 5 | An Unexpected Lesson


Be a servant. Matthew 20:26 (NIV)


This is the Kingdom’s logic: whoever wants to become great must first make himself a servant; whoever wants to be first must bind himself as a slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as the ransom for many. Matthew 20:26-28 (VOICE)


Our family was excited as we headed downtown to serve meals to the homeless. My husband and I had participated in serving several times through a downtown church, but this would be the first time our teenage daughters would join us. 

We arrived early because we wanted to make sure our girls could work behind the counter handing out trays. Since this was their first experience serving the homeless, we thought they would feel more comfortable doing that job. Everything went as we hoped and soon we were all busy serving.

Eventually I left my post to check on the girls. Our youngest daughter had just volunteered to help carry a tray for a woman who was struggling to walk. She came back with a smile on her face and her heart was full as she then continued to help others carry their trays through the line. Later, she came to me asking for a cardboard box for one of the women she was serving. The woman explained to me that she had slept outside the night before and she was thinking that she might be more comfortable if she had a flattened cardboard box to sleep on. Although I suggested some other options, she insisted that she only wanted a cardboard box. When we brought a few out from the back, she selected one and exclaimed, “This is perfect!” Her whole face lit up!

Looking back, the most significant part of serving that day was the lesson taught by our daughter, when she was open to where God led her to serve. He gave her the courage to come out from behind the counter and used her as a blessing in unexpected ways. Today I want to remember to serve others with the right attitude and open eyes to follow where God leads. I may sign up to serve with expectations of my experience, but the way of service is that I become a servant and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit as I serve others.


Where can you serve others in the church? Where can you serve others in my life outside of church? Ask God to show you opportunities to be a servant to others.


Thank you Jesus for serving us through your sacrifice on the cross. Please open my eyes to ways that I can serve others with love and humility.