Week 1 | Day 3 | God is With You


Do not be afraid. Matthew 10:26-28 (NIV)


Lord, do not hold this sin against them. Acts 7:60 (NIV)


The Book of Acts records the story of the first Christian martyr, Stephen. The gospel writer Luke describes Stephen as a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit. Luke also tells us that Stephen was full of God’s power and that he performed signs and wonders among the people. Opposition soon arose against Stephen - men falsely accused him of speaking against Moses, God, the temple, and Jewish laws. He was eventually arrested. 

Rather than defending himself, Stephen instead took the opportunity to give his accusers a history lesson - reminding them of God’s faithfulness, even as they were continuously unfaithful towards God. Stephen was unafraid. Even in the undoubtedly tense and dangerous situation he found himself in, he chose to honor God with his testimony. This did not bode well for Stephen. He was eventually stoned to death.

When I reflect on Stephen’s martyrdom, I am struck by his confidence in the final outcome. Amidst the chaotic scene, Stephen somehow knew that his life was in God’s hands. He didn’t fear those who could kill his body (Matthew 10:27). Rather, he had a reverent fear of God, his creator and savior. He had confidence that though his physical body may succumb to earthly death, his soul would live with God forever. And to top that off, Stephen even had deep compassion and love for his murderers, pleading that God would not hold their sin into account. 

There are thousands upon hundreds of thousands of stories of martyrdom throughout the history of Christianity - stories of ordinary people unafraid of speaking the truth of the Gospel of Jesus in love. To be honest, I don’t have the kind of courage Stephen had. Few people do. Even so, while not all are called to martyrdom, all are called to share the Good News of Jesus. We each have a daily opportunity to lift up Jesus and share his name with others. Persecution may come in the form of hurtful words, or even bodily harm. But even then, I can be confident that God is with me.   


When you reflect on sharing the gospel with someone, what do you fear the most? What do you suppose can help you mitigate those fears? 


God, thank you for your grace as I fumble through sharing your good news. May I not shrink in fear knowing that you are with me; may I not be dismayed, for you are my God. May you strengthen me and help me; may you uphold me with your righteous right hand. To you be the glory, honor and praise forever. Amen.